Why You Need a Good Night’s Sleep

Why You Need a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep Hygiene. If you’ve never heard this phrase, it’s probably because you are already getting great sleep. But if you’re one of the 51% of adults worldwide who are trying to figure out what you can do to get a better night’s sleep then you’ve definitely heard of...
4 Healthy Meal Ideas For Your Fitness Journey

4 Healthy Meal Ideas For Your Fitness Journey

One question we get a lot here at Loyalty Fitness is “Do I need to change what I eat when starting to work out?” Typically, when people talk about making lifestyle changes for their health, there are usually 2 things they concentrate on: fitness and nutrition. It’s...
The Truth About Losing Belly Fat

The Truth About Losing Belly Fat

Central adiposity, more commonly known as belly fat, can have serious health consequences. Generally speaking, waist measurements of greater than 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women are known as abdominal obesity. By shrinking your waistline, you will not only...