
The Latest News From Loyalty Fitness

Category: Health

No one likes back pain, yet nearly 80% of the population experiences it at some point in their lives. Our modern-day culture is designed to make us put unnecessary strain on our backs every day. Whether you work in an office and sit at a desk all day, or you’re moving, lifting, and twisting, there’s ample opportunity to become the unlucky recipient of back pain. Lower back pain in particular is one of the most common. Most causes of back pain are due to the joints, discs, and vertebrae – not chronic disease or infection. Thankfully, this means that you can take steps to help relieve your annoying and inconvenient back pain. One way to do so is through strength training for lower back pain.

Often when people think of working out for heart health, they think of cardio exercises. However, performing only cardiovascular exercises like cycling, running, and swimming may not be providing the full capacity of heart-healthy benefits and it can be tough on your joints. Strength training vs. cardio for heart health has been studied in depth, and many understand that performing both as part of a well-rounded fitness regimen can provide a slew of benefits. Certain styles of strength training, like our super-slow method, can even provide training benefits similar to the typical cardio exercise. How is that possible? When you push muscles to fatigue is when the cardiovascular system kicks in.

As we celebrate mothers this month, May is the perfect time to focus on weight training for women’s weight loss. Many women believe that cardio is the only path to weight loss and that weight lifting will add bulk to their frames. However, that’s a misconception! Strength training builds lean muscle tissue that tones and shapes your body, helps you lose weight, and doesn’t add bulk but instead makes you look leaner! Weight training is often associated with big, muscle-bound bodies pumping iron – however, the super-slow strength training offered at Loyalty Fitness tones and shapes your body without building too much bulk.

Knee pain is a problem we often see. Whether you spent too many years being rough on your knees or additional weight has put extra pressure on your joints, suffering from knee pain daily can be maddening and truly limit your lifestyle. The knee is one of the most complex joints in the body and one that you depend on daily to do something as simple as walk around. When your knees cause pain, the last thing you might want to do is any exercise. However, strengthening and rehabilitating the knees can reduce stress on the joint and lead you to a pain-free life.