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Category: Nutrition

Whether you follow a specific diet, or just try to eat as healthy as possible, it’s likely one of your main goals is to consume fresh foods as opposed to those that are processed. Food that has been changed from its original form before you consume it is considered to be a processed food. While not all foods that are processed are bad, there are many that are, and we should steer clear off or keep them very limited.

So, what makes particular processed foods unhealthy?

What Carbs Are and Why You Should Control Them

If you’ve been trying to focus on your health and fitness, it’s likely you’ve heard of carbs and how they’re evil. But do you know exactly what “carbs” are and what they do to and for your body? Carbs or carbohydrates are an important component of any diet but the type and amount that you consume is where you can get in trouble with your health. Your body typically needs carbs to function. Carbs are simply the sugars, starches and fibers found in a variety of foods. They are macronutrients, one of three main types that the body uses for fuel. Carbs, protein, and fats make up the trifecta of macronutrients that your body uses to function. All macronutrients are gained through a balanced diet and your body can’t make them on their own, but they are crucial to survival. The breakdown of how many “macros” of each category you need varies based on your activity level, goals, and overall health.

Fitness starts with nutrition. Many people think getting healthy begins in the gym, however, you can’t outwork a poor diet. If fat loss is your goal, 80 to 90% of the solution is nutrition! Figuring out how to read food labels is the first step in changing the way you think about and enjoy food. Learning how to read nutrition labels gives you more control over what you choose to put in your body to fuel your health.