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Fall Activities That Support Your Fitness Routine

by | Sep 12, 2024 | Uncategorized

Woman holding a red apple that’s attached to a tree.

When the leaves start to change and their vibrant colors fill our landscapes, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of fall’s unique outdoor activities. 

Not only do these activities offer a change of pace from traditional indoor workouts, but they also provide an excellent opportunity to engage different muscle groups, improve cardiovascular health, spend quality time with loved ones, and get out in nature to enjoy the crisp fall air. 

At Loyalty Fitness, we believe in a balanced approach to health and wellness. While our personalized training programs, including our signature super slow weight training method, are foundational to your fitness journey, adding some seasonal outdoor activities can enhance your overall progress and make fitness even more enjoyable. 

Here are some fall activities to supplement your fitness routine and help you achieve your goals.

Hiking: Nature’s Treadmill

Hiking is one of the best ways to get a full-body workout while enjoying the natural beauty of the season. 

Trails with varying terrains can challenge different muscle groups, such as your legs, core, and even your upper body if you use hiking poles. The uneven ground and natural inclines can boost your cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your lower body, and improve balance and stability.

If you’re already incorporating super slow weight training into your regular routine at Loyalty Fitness, hiking provides a complementary cardio component. The added resistance of hiking uphill works your glutes, calves, and quads, while descending helps engage your core and lower back muscles, aiding in overall body conditioning.

Just be sure to choose hiking trails that match your fitness level. Start with a shorter, less steep path and gradually work your way up to more challenging trails. Don’t forget to wear appropriate footwear to help avoid injuries. And bonus points if you do it with a buddy!

Apple Picking: A Fun Way to Stay Active During the Fall 

Apple picking isn’t just a fun fall outing; it’s also a surprisingly effective workout. 

Reaching up to pluck apples from trees, carrying heavy baskets, and walking around orchards can add up to a full-body workout without you even realizing it. This activity engages your core, shoulders, and arms while also providing a good amount of walking, which is great for cardiovascular health.

This low-impact activity aligns perfectly with the principles of our training methods, focusing on controlled, purposeful movements. You can think of apple picking as a dynamic stretching and strength session, with the added benefit of having fresh, healthy fruit to take home!

To get the most out of your apple-picking workout, try engaging your core by pulling your belly button in towards your spine when reaching for apples and switching arms to ensure balanced muscle development.

Raking Leaves: A Calorie-Burning Fall Chore

Raking leaves might seem like a simple task, but it’s a fantastic way to burn calories and build strength. 

This fall chore involves repetitive bending, twisting, and pulling motions, which can be great for your core, back, shoulders, and arms. It’s essentially a full-body workout that also helps improve flexibility and stamina. 

Incorporating activities like raking leaves can supplement your fitness routine by adding variety and enhancing your functional strength. At Loyalty Fitness, we emphasize the importance of functional movements that mimic real-life activities, making everyday tasks easier and safer to perform. Raking leaves is one such activity that complements the strength training sessions you do with us.

Remember, keep proper form while raking by bending at the knees rather than the waist to avoid back strain. Switch sides frequently to balance the workout on both sides of your body.

Pumpkin Carving: Engage Your Upper Body

It may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but pumpkin carving is a light workout for your upper body. 

Besides being a favorite fall activity for many, the process of scooping out the insides and carving designs on pumpkins requires a good amount of arm, shoulder, and core strength. It’s a great way to engage muscles in a different way compared to traditional strength training exercises. 

If you focus on core and upper body strength with us, pumpkin carving is a simple extension that can help maintain mobility and flexibility. 

If you’re looking for more of a challenge, consider setting up your pumpkin carving station in a standing position rather than sitting. This will also help engage your core and legs, adding an extra layer of fitness to the fun. It is also a festive and joyful bonding activity for the whole family!

Corn Mazes: A Cardio Adventure

Just like pumpkin carving, navigating a corn maze might not immediately come to mind as a fitness activity. 

However, it can be a surprisingly effective way to get your steps in and challenge your mind at the same time. Walking or jogging through the maze offers a steady cardio workout that can help improve your endurance, especially if you pick up the pace to beat the clock.

Like a brisk walk or light jog, corn maze adventures pair well with the strength-building workouts you do with our trainers. Combining these aerobic activities with our super slow weight training method creates a well-rounded fitness routine that supports cardiovascular health, muscle endurance, and mental sharpness.

For an extra bit of fun, make it a challenge by setting a goal to complete the maze within a certain time frame. The added intensity will elevate your heart rate and make for a more effective cardio session.

Make the Most of Your Fall Fitness Activities 

The beautiful fall season offers endless opportunities to move, play, and stay active outdoors, making it easier to stick to your fitness routine and enjoy every moment.

At Loyalty Fitness, we are dedicated to helping you reach your fitness goals with a personalized approach that combines scientifically-backed methods and a supportive environment. While we provide the structure and guidance needed for effective strength training, we also encourage you to explore seasonal activities that can complement your workouts and keep fitness fun for the whole family. 

So lace up your hiking boots, grab a basket for apple picking, or head out for a day of leaf-raking, and enjoy some fall activities that are a part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. 

And when you’re ready for your next training session, the team at Loyalty Fitness will be here to guide you, ensuring every workout is a step closer to your personal fitness goals.

Contact us today to schedule your next session or learn more about our online virtual personal training options!

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