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How Muscle Can Help Boost Your Immune System

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Uncategorized

Woman wearing a shirt with the Loyalty Fitness logo on the back while working out.

When you think of building muscle, you probably picture getting stronger and more fit—but did you know that muscle can also help strengthen your immune system? 

Regular exercise, especially strength training like the super slow method we use at Loyalty Fitness, can support your body’s natural defenses in several key ways. 

Whether you’re lifting weights or following a structured workout regimen, the process of building muscle contributes to overall wellness, making it an important part of maintaining a strong immune system.

Muscle and Immune System: The Connection

Muscle mass does more than just power your movements—it’s deeply involved in processes that help keep your immune system in top shape. 

The proteins produced by muscle tissue help regulate your immune system, making it more effective at fighting off infections and illness. Essentially, muscle tissue sends signals to the immune system to help reduce inflammation and protect you from potential threats.

One of the most significant ways this happens is through the production of myokines, molecules released by muscles when they contract. These myokines help keep inflammation in check, which is essential because chronic inflammation can weaken your immune response over time. 

Regular exercise increases myokine production, making your body better equipped to handle infections and inflammatory conditions. So, while you’re working on building strength, you’re also setting up your immune system for success.

Supporting Your Immune System Beyond Muscle Building

While building muscle is a powerful way to enhance your immune system, it’s just one part of the bigger plan. There are plenty of other habits you can adopt to keep your immune system functioning at its best

Here are a few that pair perfectly with your strength training routine:

  • Choose Nutrient-Dense, Whole Foods: Think of your diet as the fuel for both your workouts and your immune system. Animal protein, seasonal fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats are packed with the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly and stay healthy.
  • Get Adequate Sleep: Sleep isn’t just about rest—it’s when your body does some of its most important healing. Aim for 7-9 hours a night to give your muscles and immune system time to repair and recharge.
  • Reduce Screen Time: Too much screen time can disrupt your sleep and elevate your stress and anxiety levels, both of which can impact your immune health. Consider blue light blockers or taking regular breaks from screens to give your eyes and brain a rest.
  • Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is key to supporting your immune function. Along with drinking plenty of water, make sure to replenish electrolytes through bone broth, pink Himalayan sea salt, coconut water, or other mineral-rich options.
  • Get Outside: Fresh air and natural light are great for your immune system, especially if you get outside early in the day upon waking. Morning sunlight helps regulate your circadian rhythm, which is tied to both sleep quality and immune function. Try to sneak in a morning or even midday walk to maximize the benefits.

Avoid Food-Based Stressors to Protect Your Immune System

Even when you’re dedicated to strength training and following healthy habits, there are a few things that can sabotage your immune system—especially when it comes to food choices. And let’s face it, we’re all tempted by sugary treats and processed foods now and then, particularly during the holidays or while traveling. 

Unfortunately, these food-based stressors can make it harder for your body to fight off illness. 

Here are some of the most common culprits:

  • Sugar: Consuming too much sugar can suppress the immune system and lead to chronic inflammation.
  • Inflammatory Foods: Refined seed oils, processed foods, and additives are known to increase inflammation in the body, which can weaken immune defenses.
  • Micronutrient Deficiencies: Lacking essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin D, Zinc, and Magnesium, can compromise immune function.

Ready to Boost Your Immune System? Loyalty Fitness is Here to Help! 

Building muscle is a great way to keep your immune system in top condition, and at Loyalty Fitness, we’re ready to help you achieve that. Our personalized training programs are designed to help you strengthen your body while supporting your overall health, including your immune system.

Ready to get started? Schedule your first session with us today and start boosting your immune system through strength training and healthy habits!

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