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The Importance of Hydration in Your Summertime Workout Routine

by | Jun 28, 2024 | Uncategorized

Woman drinking from a water bottle at a golf course.

Summer is the perfect time to ramp up your workout routine. The warm weather and longer days create an ideal environment for outdoor activities, from jogging and cycling to hiking and swimming. 

However, with the summer heat comes an increased need to stay hydrated. After all, proper hydration is crucial for optimizing performance, ensuring safety, and achieving your fitness goals. 

Below, we’ll highlight some of the key reasons hydration needs to be an essential element of your summertime workout routine.

Why Does Hydration Matter When Working Out? 

Hydration is crucial during workouts for several reasons:

Hydration Regulates Body Temperature

When you exercise, your body generates a lot of heat and sweating is its natural cooling mechanism. 

In the summer, this process is amplified due to higher outdoor temperatures. Proper hydration helps maintain your body’s core temperature, preventing overheating and heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Hydration Enhances Physical Performance

Dehydration can significantly impair your physical performance. Even a small loss of fluid can lead to fatigue, reduced endurance, and decreased strength. 

Staying hydrated ensures that your muscles are well-nourished and your cardiovascular system functions efficiently, allowing you to perform at your best during every workout.

Hydration Supports Muscle Function and Recovery

Water is essential for maintaining the balance of electrolytes in your body, which are crucial for muscle contraction and relaxation. Adequate hydration helps prevent muscle cramps, soreness, and stiffness. 

Additionally, staying hydrated aids in quicker recovery post-workout, reducing the risk of injury and allowing you to stick to your fitness regimen consistently

Hydration Improves Mental Focus

Exercise requires mental as well as physical effort. Dehydration can negatively impact your cognitive functions, leading to decreased concentration, alertness, and motivation. 

Drinking enough water helps keep your mind sharp and focused, ensuring you stay committed to your workout goals.

The Role of Electrolytes and Minerals in Proper Hydration 

While water is essential for hydration, it’s not the only component you need to consider. 

Electrolytes (minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge) play a vital role in maintaining your body’s fluid balance, pH level regulation, and supporting nerve and muscle function. These electrolytes come from the food and fluids you consume and are vital for overall health.

Here’s why incorporating electrolytes into your hydration routine is important, especially during and after a workout:


Potassium is crucial for muscle function and helps regulate fluid balance in your cells. It works alongside sodium to maintain proper cell function and prevent muscle cramps. 

During exercise, potassium is lost through sweat, making it important to replenish this vital mineral.


Sodium is one of the most important electrolytes lost in sweat. It helps regulate blood pressure, blood volume, and pH balance. 

Adequate sodium levels are necessary to prevent hyponatremia, a condition caused by low sodium levels in the blood, which can lead to muscle weakness, cramps, and fatigue.


Magnesium supports muscle and nerve function, energy production, and bone health. It also helps regulate other electrolytes, ensuring that your muscles contract and relax properly. 

Magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, spasms, and overall fatigue.


Chloride works in conjunction with sodium to maintain fluid balance and is essential for proper digestion. It helps your body produce stomach acid, which is necessary for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients.

How to Add Electrolytes to Your Hydration Routine

Adding electrolytes to your hydration routine is a simple and effective way to maintain electrolyte balance and stay hydrated. 

Here are some easy methods:

Electrolyte Tablets, Powders or Drops 

These convenient options can be added to your water bottle, providing a quick and easy way to boost your electrolyte intake. They come in various flavors and formulations to suit your taste and hydration needs.

Natural Sources

Incorporate natural electrolyte sources into your diet. Foods such as bananas, oranges, coconut water, spinach, and sweet potatoes are rich in essential electrolytes and can help maintain your body’s balance during intense physical activity.

Homemade Electrolyte Solutions

You can make your own electrolyte drink at home. A simple recipe includes water, a pinch of sea salt, a splash of natural fruit juice (like orange, lemon, or lime), and a teaspoon of honey for a natural energy boost.

Electrolyte Drinks

Sports drinks and electrolyte-enhanced waters are designed to replenish lost electrolytes. Look for options with balanced levels of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride. Avoid drinks with high sugar content and artificial colors and flavors.

How Much Water Do You Need?

The amount of water you need varies based on several factors, including your age, weight, activity level, and the climate you’re in. 

However, a general guideline is to drink at least 1 ounce per body weight. So if you weigh 150lbs, you should aim to drink 150 ounces. During the summer or when engaging in intense physical activity, you may even need more.

Pre-Workout Hydration

Start hydrating well before your workout begins. Aim to drink 16-20 ounces of water 2-3 hours before exercising. About 20-30 minutes before your workout or during your warm-up routine, drink another 8 ounces.

Workout Hydration

While working out, aim to drink 7-10 ounces of water every 10-20 minutes. If you’re exercising for more than an hour or in high heat, consider adding electrolytes to replenish lost minerals. 

Post-Workout Hydration

Rehydrate after your workout to replace any fluids lost through sweat. A good rule of thumb is to drink 16-24 ounces of water for every pound of body weight lost during exercise. This helps with muscle recovery and overall rehydration.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

Here are some helpful tips to help you maintain proper hydration:

  • Carry a Water Bottle: Keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times (preferably glass or stainless steel). This serves as a constant reminder to drink water and makes it convenient to sip throughout the day.
  • Infuse Your Water: If plain water isn’t appealing, add some flavor with fresh fruits, herbs, or a splash of natural juice. This can make drinking water more enjoyable.
  • Eat Hydrating Foods: Incorporate water-rich foods into your diet, such as cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and strawberries. These can contribute to your overall hydration.
  • Set Reminders: Use your phone, hydration app or a smart device to set reminders to drink water at regular intervals, especially during busy days.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of dehydration, such as dark urine, dry mouth, dizziness, or fatigue. If you experience these symptoms, increase your water intake immediately.

Stay Properly Hydrated This Summer — and Every Season!

While hydration is a key component of a successful summertime workout routine, it’s important during the whole year. 

At Loyalty Fitness, our nationally certified trainers emphasize the importance of staying hydrated and replenishing electrolytes to maximize your fitness results and ensure your safety. Whether you’re training at our private gyms, participating in our virtual personal training sessions, or hiking the trails this summer, we’re here to support you in achieving your fitness goals with expert guidance and personalized programs. 

Stay hydrated, stay healthy, and enjoy a fit and active summer!

For more tips and personalized fitness plans, schedule a session with one of our expert trainers today! 

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